Page 85 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 85


The Company emphasizes the ethical treatment of employees who shall be appropriately remunerated

based on their qualifications relevant to their duties and comparable to other companies in the same
industry. The occupational health and safety and work environment practices are arranged to ensure
on-the-job safety for employees lives and properties. The Orientation is the compulsory program
for all employees. They must be advised through the employees manual in which the Companys

Articles of Association, policies, and code of conduct are explicated. Besides, the benefits and welfares
provided for our employees exceeds that the laws has specified; for example, group medical insurance
scheme, group life insurance plan and provident fund, etc.

The Company focuses on increasing knowledge, ability and experiences of employees through in-house
and external training and seminars. This shall enable employees to perform their tasks efficiently and
be able to cope with dynamic changes in products, technology, and rules of the various agencies.
The topic of seminars includes notifications, requirements, rules and regulations of SET and SEC,
accounting standards of various institutes, computer systems and programs, etc.


The Company austerely practices in compliance with terms and conditions that have been made
with its creditors. In doing so, the Company shall focus on loan management in accordance with

the objectives as specified in the contract, duly loan and interest payment, responsible acts towards
collaterals to constitute creditors trust. In case of failing to comply with the terms and conditions
or default on loan, the Company shall notify the creditors in advance to collectively consider the
potential solutions for the issue.

Business Partners

The Company underlines impartial and proper treatment and complies with business terms and conditions
that have been made with its business partners in a fair manner. The Company shall also manage

to develop and maintain good relationships with each business partner. The procedures for business
partner selection are obviously identified in the Companys procurement policy to ensure that each
prospective business partner shall be selected through the process of comparing and screening in
accordance with the designated criterions and qualifications based on the Companys maximum benefits.

Business Competitors

The Company operates its business under principles of free and fair competition. It shall observe good
business norm in competitive market, and avoid malpractice such as illegal acquisition on confidential
information or using distorted information to jeopardize competitors. Besides, it shall promote any

business cooperation with the competitors in a beneficial manner to the consumers or any cooperative
project that is deemed a part of the countrys sustainable development in terms of economy, society
and environment.

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