Page 84 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 84

6. In fairness to its shareholders, the Company shall have written procedures concerning the use and
protection of inside information. These procedures shall be communicated to the Companys Board

of Directors, executives, employees and all related persons, including spouse, minor children, and
nominees, so as to prevent the use of important inside information that may have an impact on trading
of the Companys shares and change in the Companys share price which has not been disclosed
to the public. Directors and executives privy to such inside information are prohibited from trading in

the Companys securities prior to the disclosure of information on the Companys performance and
financial status or any important news that may cause a change in the Companys share price.

7. All Directors and high-level executives are designated to submit a report on their ownership of the
Companys securities within 30 business days after they take office. In addition, they must report all
subsequent sales or purchase of the Companys securities at least one day in advance to the Director
in charge or the assigned person in order to notify SEC within three business days from the transaction

date as stated by the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992).

8. In order to comply with the regulations of SET, the Company shall disclose any related party transaction
that required the approval from the shareholders. In doing so, the reasonable clarification for each
transaction must be submitted to the Audit Committee and pass the Board of Directors consideration
before proposing to the Shareholders for approval respectively. The transaction can be proceeded

after the approval only.

3. Roles of Stakeholders

The Company places great importance on the right of all stakeholders and conducts its business
morally and ethically. The Business Code of Conduct is therefore stipulated to be guidelines for fair treatment
towards all stakeholders, both within and outside the Company, including the shareholders, clients, employees,
creditors, business partners and competitors, regulatory bodies, government agencies, community, society,
and the environment.

The Company has established criteria for the treatment of each group of stakeholders,

as follows:


Emphasis shall be given to the transparent dissemination of important information, both financial and

non-financial, to the stakeholders that are accurate, sufficient and timely. Dissemination shall be made
through different channels, such as announcements through the SETs electronic media, the Companys
website, newspapers, press releases, letters, etc.


The Company recognizes the importance of customer satisfaction through the enhancement of existing
services and development of new services. At the same time, the Company ensures ethical treatment
and responds to all customers complaints or suggestions immediately.

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