Page 81 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 81

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Policy

The Board of Directors intends to encourage the Company to perform efficient operation together with
conducting good corporate governance for the best benefit of all shareholders and stakeholders. The Board
of Directors also continues to protect the rights of shareholders with their best endeavors, perform equitable
treatment of the shareholders and place emphasis on their responsibilities, transparency and disclosure.

Realizing the significance of corporate governance, the Board of Directors resolved to stipulate
the Corporate Governance Policy, the Business Code of Conduct, and the Code of Conduct for directors,
executives and employees as principles of business operation and performance guidelines, which shall be
regularly revised. In 2014, the Board of Directors has reviewed and improved the Companys policies to ensure
the compliance with ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard. Having been notified through orientation

program, public relations board, intranet, and website, the Board of Directors, executives and
employees shall adhere to the publicized policies. Performance tracking shall also be carried out by Internal
Audit Unit and Compliance Unit. The Corporate Governance Policy is divided into five core parts as follows:

• Rights of Shareholders

• Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

• Roles of Stakeholders

• Disclosure and Transparency

• Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

1. Rights of Shareholders

In recognizing the importance on the rights of every shareholders; regardless of major shareholders,
retail shareholders, institutional investors, or alienated shareholders, the best practices have been defined below
to ensure that the shareholders shall be protected for their basic legitimate rights, such as equitable right on
share of profits/dividends, right to buy-sell-transfer shares, right on benefits of share repurchase, right to obtain

clear, accurate, adequate corporate information, and vote on significant issue(s), and so on as follows:
1. According to the law, shareholders shall be provided with prior notice of shareholders meeting.

The said notice shall contain necessary information about the meeting agenda(s), all supporting
documents including facts, reasons, and the Board of Directors opinions for each agendas item,
proxy forms as well as the names of independent directors whom the shareholders can appoint

as their proxy. The notice shall contain lists of required documents that must be presented by
the shareholders on the meeting date for the purpose of keeping their right to participate in the
meeting. Also, the Companys Articles of Association relating to rights, criteria and procedures
of the meeting and voting must be specified in the notice, which the Company shall manage
to mail to the shareholders at least 21 days ahead of the meeting date and disseminate both

Thai and English versions via corporate website at least 30 days prior to the meeting date.
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