Page 37 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 37

Nature of Business Operation

Revenue Structure

The Company and subsidiaries revenue structure during 2012-2014:

% of 2012 2013 2014
Operated Shareholding
by by the Million % Million % Million %
Company Baht Baht Baht

1. Media and Content Businesses

1. Mobile Value Added Mono Tech - 1,175.26 75.25 919.92 61.41 1,028.07 64.12
Service Business Mono Indo 100

Mono Info 100
2. Internet Business Mono Tech - 153.68 9.84 217.75 14.54 180.79 11.28
Mono Travel 100

3. Publishing Business Mono Gen 100 109.06 6.98 129.44 8.64 81.73 5.10
Vietnam 100

4. TV Business 2/ Mono 100 22.35 1.43 41.12 2.75 121.92 7.61

Broadcast 1/

2. Entertainment Businesses

1, Music Business Mono Ent 100 64.90 4.16 53.09 3.54 28.32 1.77
Mono Korea 100

2. Movie Business 2/ Mono Film 1/ 100 12.96 0.83 46.06 3.07 85.48 5.33

Total Revenues from Sales 1,538.21 98.49 1,407.38 93.95 1,526.31 95.19

and Services

Other revenues 23.66 1.51 90.58 6.05 77.11 4.81

Total Revenues 1,561.87 100.00 1,497.96 100.00 1,603.42 100.00

Remarks : 1/ The Company is the indirect shareholder of Mono Film due to our investment in Mono Gen- a major shareholder of
Mono Film (100 percent). The Company is the indirect shareholder of Mono Broadcast and Mono Sport Entertainment due
to our investment in Mono Production -a major shareholder of Mono Broadcast and Mono Sport Entertainment (100 percent).
2/ Revenue from content that was disseminated via mobile phone in terms of mobile value added service (MVAS) was included.

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