Page 48 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 48

3.Publishing Business

Product and Service

The Company engages in the production and distribution of many
Thailands top-notch magazines, which are published in both printing copy
and E-book. The contents of magazines, viz. Gossip Star, Candy and Allure
target at men and women and lifestyles of consumers. The short fictions
and synopsis of widely-favored TV dramas are also listed in our magazine
publishing products. The new publishing line has been separated to produce
and distribute pocket books, which feature infotainment contents of the
latest trend. With its expertise in technology, the Company introduces online
digital book store service on, a hub of online books including
Thai and international magazines from assorted renowned publishing houses.
Besides, Miss Gossip Girl Pageant is organized every year with an objective
to shine the spotlight on the talented beauty winner and introduce new
high-potential artists from this Pageant to the entertainment industry.

In 2014, Mono Gen acquired the production and distribution rights of Bioscope, a popular movie-related
magazine; the Snap Signature, a street fashion magazine; and the ITS mag, trendy technology and hi-tech
gadgets magazine. Besides, the new publishing units have been launched to produce pocket books to meet

the needs of specific segments as follows:
Her Publishing produces books with contents targeting at modern women, reflecting the strength
behind the gentleness and the understanding of life and attitude towards society through modern

stories covering lifestyle, travelling, comic, article and modern literature in translation. Her Publishing
released A Bears Girl as the first book.

Horo Life Publishing produces books with contents focusing on astrological beliefs and horoscope-re-
lated issues. Apart from fortune telling on career, wealth, love, and health, the customers can satisfac-
torily read about beauty, feng shui, making-merit trip, life coaching in nature and all aspects about
how to live happily based on astrological element theory for both men and women. This publishing
launched Life Prediction for 2015 by Katha Chinabunchorn as its first book.

Magazines of Mono Group are categorized according to target reader as follows :

1. Mens Magazine

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