Page 49 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 49

ALure is a monthly magazine presenting sexy photos of ALure girls in an aesthetically-pleasing art

and various styles.
Rush, a monthly lifestyle magazine targeting at gentlemen, presents photos of stars and famous
models, with a variety of lifestyle contents including healthcare tips, sports, automobile and


Inside United Thai Edition With official publication and distribution rights granted by Manchester
United Football Clubs, this monthly magazines contents focus on every exclusive movement of the
Red Devils, Manchester United.

LIVERPOOL FC Thai Edition With official publication and distribution rights granted by Liverpool

Football Clubs, contents of this monthly magazine please the Kop in Thailand, which now grows in
number to over 14 million fans, with inside updated movement of The Reds, Liverpool.

its is a free copy monthly magazine presenting technology trend and gadget designs.

2. Women and Lifestyle Magazines

Gossip Star is Thailands first paparazzi magazine. The first issue of this weekly magazine was
launched in October 2003. It is the most popular and best-selling paparazzi magazine. Contents in this
magazine include interesting entertainment news and special scoops reporting in-depth information

of Thai and foreign stars and celebrities.

Candy, a monthly magazine for teenagers, is launched to respond to the needs of its target group
who would like to learn and seek new experiences.

Bioscope is a monthly magazine that presents content about Thai and international blockbuster
including independent films by Thai and foreign producers.

Snap Signature is a free copy monthly magazine presents the street fashion via photos of Thai stars
and celebrities so that fashion lovers can catch up with all new arrival trends and mix & match items

to make their own styles.
Campus Star is a free copy monthly magazine that presents a story inside and outside universities.

Campus Star is a channel to communicate movements of students in each institution and becomes
a media in which students from different institution can exchange their opinion.
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