Page 34 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2013
P. 34

Overview of Industry and Competition

Overview of Industry and Competition of Media and Content Business

Mobile Value Added Service

Market Share: Mobile Operators Market Value of Mobile Network Service during 2012 – 2013

and Forecast for 2014
millon Baht
OTHERS 7.1% 250000 9.3%

AIS 37.7% 200000
TRUE 24.7% 150000 2013
2014 F


DTAC 30.5% 13O,121 127,432 123,482 45,505 60,901 82,362 175,626 188,333 205,844
Voice Service Non Voice Service Total market value
Mobile Network Service Market

Source : Telecommunication Market Report for Q2/2013, NBTC Source : National Science and Technology Development Agency

As of the end of the second quarter of 2013, there were 89.16 million mobile phone numbers in Thailand,

with penetration rate of 134 percent. Mobile network service market is comprised of voice and non-voice
services. According to the press release of the survey on the communication and hardware computer market
value in Thailand for 2012 - 2013 and the forecast for 2014 conducted by National Science and Technology

Development Agency (NSTDA), the market value of mobile network service market in 2012 – 2013 was 175,626
million Baht and 188,333 million Baht respectively, representing an increase of 7.2 percent. The market growth

has been mainly boosted by the non-voice service. Nevertheless, the revenue of mobile operators mainly
came from voice service. Market value of mobile network service market in 2014 is expected to reach 205,844
million Baht, growing 9.3 percent over-year, mainly boosted by non-voice service growth of up to 35.2 percent.

There is a moderate degree of competition within non-voice service market due to a number of small
content providers. Meanwhile, there are only few key content providers which are regarded as market leaders,
with large market share. The Company is regarded as one of major content providers offering various types of

entertainment content, with efficient system to connect between the Company and all mobile operators (AIS, DTAC
and TrueMove that jointly held market share of 92.9 percent out of the entire mobile phone number in Thailand.)

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