Page 62 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 62

Remuneration and Welfare Management Policy

Mono Group realizes the importance our human resources. In order to ensure the best treatment towards
them, remuneration and mandatory basis welfare are delicately managed and supplied under the requirement
of labour laws. Aside from basic salary, Mono Group provides incentive based on each employees annual

performance that is along the lines of the Companys business goal in that year. Achievement of long-term
goal that is indicated to assess the performance of each unit shall also be taken into consideration.
Besides, extra welfares are provided to promote better happiness, comfort and health for all
employees, i.e. life, health and accident Insurances, provident fund contributions, loan, massage service, sport

club, and annual party and recreation activity such as new year party, monthly birthday party, etc. This stipulated
policy is well planned to reinforce and encourage the performance of employees.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy

As vital as the employees performance, Mono Group concentrates on the safety, occupational health

and work environment for employees, partners and visitors. Therefore, the Occupational Health and Safety
Policy has been stipulated to promote the employees efficiency in their performances, as follows:

The Company commits to develop the occupational health, safety, and working environment policy
in compliance with the laws, international standards and other regulations. The Company deems that OHS
activities are responsibilities of every employee and their participation in the implementation of OHS practices
will be promoted.

The Company shall provide sufficient resources, support personnel training as well as create awareness
for implementing Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment Policy.

Nevertheless, none of occupational accident and disease has been reported since the implementation
of Occupational Health and Safety Policy.

Personnel Development Policy

Employees are regarded as valuable resources and the key to success for the Group. According to its
commitment to be the Organization with Development and Learning Focus, Mono Groups policy has been

written to focus on enhancing the quality of employees in terms of their potential, knowledge and abilities,
The Group encourages its employees to work with integrated skills, knowledge, and competence in parallel
with embeds corporate culture and ethical values in their minds. The Company formulates the learning and
development programs based on the following processes.

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