Page 111 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 111

Remuneration of Auditor

In 2014, the Company and subsidiaries incurred audit fee for auditor from EY Office Limited and other
audit firms overseas, with details as follows:

Type Fee as of 2014 (Baht)

Audit fee 4,280,000

Non-audit fee 70,000

Total 4,350,000

Other Compliance with Corporate Governance Principle

In 2014, details of the Companys compliance with corporate governance policy established by

the Board of Directors are as follows:

1. Rights of Shareholders and 2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

1. The Company arranged the 2014 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on April 11, 2014
and the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2014 on September 12, 2014.
This practice is regarded as the compliance with the regulations of SET and SEC as well as
corporate governance policy. Also, the invitation to the annual shareholders meeting as well as

attachment (as specified in the policy) was sent by registered mail at least 14 days prior to the
meeting. All members of the Board of Directors participated in the shareholders meeting, with
a quorum of shareholders attending.

2. The Company gives the equal rights to shareholders to express their opinions and raise inquiries
before voting and deciding resolution of each agenda. One share is equal to one vote. For the

normal agenda, a resolution of the meeting shall be decided by a majority vote of the shareholders
attending the Meeting and being entitled to vote.

3. The Company completely and accurately reported its performance to all shareholders and minutes
of the 2014 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was also completely recorded.

4. The Company discloses information via the SET and SECs website as specified in the related
regulations as well as via the Companys website ( Information about

corporate governance policy and code of conducts of directors and executives is disclosed in
the Corporate Governance section. Also, the Company reported news and information and
financial information in the Investor Relations section and provided a communication channel
for retail investors to raise any inquiry via Email:

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