Page 93 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2013
P. 93
Summary of Financial Statements
Statements of financial position of the Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2011 - 2013
Consolidated Financial Statements
Statements of Financial As of December 31
Position 2011 1/ 2012 1/ 2013
Million Baht % Million Baht % Million Baht %
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 45.96 8.19 82.91 11.61 875.48 26.09
Current investments - deposits
with financial institutions - - - - 1,401.50 41.76
Trade and other receivables 296.57 52.87 372.57 52.18 403.38 12.02
Inventories 3.65 0.65 5.79 0.81 6.68 0.20
Prepaid expenses 5.06 0.90 10.28 1.44 24.02 0.72
Total current assets 351.24 62.61 471.55 66.04 2,711.06 80.78
Non-current assets
Restricted bank deposits 0.28 0.05 0.29 0.04 0.29 0.01
Building improvement and
equipment 95.77 17.07 124.20 17.39 152.33 4.54
Intangible assets 94.11 16.78 95.16 13.33 322.60 9.61
Deposits and retentions 10.59 1.89 14.14 1.98 130.51 3.89
Deferred tax assets - - - - 21.77 0.65
Other non-current assets 8.99 1.60 8.73 1.22 17.55 0.52
Total non-current assets 209.74 37.39 242.52 33.96 645.05 19.22
Total assets 560.98 100.00 714.07 100.00 3,356.11 100.00
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Current liabilities
Bank overdraft and
short-term loans 22.72 4.05 - - - -
Trade and other payables 185.51 33.07 195.48 27.37 199.65 5.95
Current portion of liabilities under
finance lease agreements 14.54 2.59 17.22 2.41 16.83 0.50
Income tax payable 40.10 7.15 4.83 0.68 0.32 0.01
Other current liabilities 5.78 1.03 4.84 0.68 2.00 0.06
Total current liabilities 268.65 47.89 222.37 31.14 218.80 6.52