Page 68 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2013
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(4) The shareholders attending after commencement of the meeting were allowed to vote for agenda items
that are still under consideration and do not reach the resolution.
(5) Necessary news and information shall be regularly disseminated to the shareholders via corporate website as
well as via communication channel(s) of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC).
(6) Communication channel(s) for direct inquiry about directors’ activities, corporate governance, auditing
issue(s) via emails of independent directors shall be provided for retail shareholders. Furthermore, retail
shareholders are able to send their inquiry directly to Company Secretary for asking necessary information.
(7) Shareholding structure of subsidiaries and associated companies (if any) shall be disclosed to all
shareholders in order to ensure transparent and verifiable structure of corporate operation.
(8) Corporate operation shall be performed with efficiency in order to produce sustainable growth, thus
enabling the shareholders to gain appropriate returns.
2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
The Company has established guidelines of justified and equitable treatment of shareholders and undertook
the following tasks:
(1) The shareholders shall be offered an opportunity to propose extra issue(s) as the meeting agenda(s) prior
to the shareholders’ meeting date. Consequently, this shall be notified in advance via the SET’s website.
In addition, explicit criteria for the rights of shareholders to propose agendas for Annual General Meeting
of Shareholders shall be notified via corporate website.
(2) The shareholders shall be offered an opportunity to nominate any candidate(s) who have complete
qualifications as defined in director’s specifications for election as director and give their consent for
nomination. Then, the application form (disseminated via corporate website) including required documents
about their educational background and work experiences shall be submitted to the Company prior to
the Board meeting, which is held before the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM). Deadline
for submission of candidate name shall be specified by the Company in order to continue nomination
procedures by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Furthermore, notification of nomination
procedures and criteria shall be disseminated via the SET’s communication channel(s). For the election,
voting shall be made for individual director.
(3) The shareholders’ meeting shall be convened in accordance with the agenda(s) notified in the meeting notice.
Corporate policy of no extra agenda(s) added without prior notice shall be set to offer the shareholders
an opportunity to study relevant information before making decision. According to the Section 105 of
Public Limited Company Act B.E. 2535, any extra issue(s) shall not be added in meeting agenda if it is not
necessity, especially crucial issue(s) which the shareholders require a great deal of time to study relevant
information before making decision.