Page 92 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 92

6. Directors can access additional information via the Chief Executive Officer, the Company Secretary
or the executives designated as a contact person.

7. Executives of the Company and other related persons shall attend Board meetings to present
information and details to support the Boards accurate and timely decision-making.

5.5 Performance Assessment

The Board of Directors promotes assessment of the Board as a whole at least once a year so that
their performance can be improved upon accordingly. At the end of each year, The Company Secretary

must provide every director with the Assessment Form of which the topic shall be clearly defined.
The assessment form shall be divided into the Board of Directors performance assessment, Individual
Director Self-Assessment, performance assessment of other committees, and Chief Executive Officer
Performance Assessment. The assessment result shall be summarized and reported to meeting of the Board

of Directors for acknowledgement and consideration, which can be adopted for continuous improvement.
Each assessment is detailed as follows:

1. The Board of Directors Performance Assessment follows the guideline specified by the Stock
Exchange of Thailand and adjusts to fit the structure of the Boards of Directors and improve their

performances. The topics are defined, as follows:

• Structure and Qualifications of the Board of Directors
• Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

• The Meeting of the Board of Directors

• The Board of Directors functioning coherent with the Executives

• Self-improvement of the Board of Directors and Development of Executives

In 2014, the Board of Directors assessment score averagely equals to 95.3%.

2. Individual Director Self-Assessment is defined with the topics in coherence with each directors
roles and responsibilities, Corporate Governance Policy, Code of Conduct for Directors, as follows:

• Qualifications, knowledge, and competency

• Strategic formulation, governance, performance tracking

• Individual Performance as Director

• Self-Improvement

In 2014, the individual Director self-assessment score averagely equals to 96.0%.

3. Performance Assessment of Other Committees is conducted yearly in order to improve their roles

and responsibilities supporting the Board of Directors performance. In 2014, each committee
assessment score is detailed, as follows:

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97