Page 48 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 48

the Company’s strength is that we are in alliance with leading movie productions and independent movie productions both domestic and international. This way we are able to select qualified movies from America, Europe, China, HongKong, Japan and Korea as well as awarded movies from film festivals.
Apart from sending films to cinemas, the Company also provides online movie service via website The website which has been renamed can support any form of movie watching channels including smartphones, tablets, computers, notebooks and smart TVs. Online services are increasingly popular for many reasons, for example, technology development which enables speedy messaging, listeners and viewers who can access
entertainment media more easier and smart devices which can be connected to networks any place and any time. Nevertheless, piracy is still an impediment to the growth of entertainment industry. Although the problem has been suppressed, it has not been solved completely.
Nature of Business Operation
Mono Group has engaged in 2 main businesses which are media and content business and entertainment business. Our business can be divided into 6 groups: 1. mobile internet business 2. publishing business 3. TV business 4. radio business 5. music business 6. movie business. Nature of each business can be summarized as follows:
Mono Technology Public Company Limited

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