Page 53 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2013
P. 53
Business Undertaking with Fairness and Anti-corruption Practice
Mono Group places emphasis on business undertaking based on fairness and anti-corruption practice
and takes into account all stakeholders, such as fairness to all shareholders, customers, employees and society
according to business ethics under corporate governance principle, good practices relating to the code of
conduct for directors and executives, such as business operation, with integrity and morality and business
management that leads to profit and growth for creating the highest returns for shareholders. The Company
also adheres to equitable treatment of all shareholders as well as compliance with laws and other regulations
relating to business operation of the Company and subsidiaries.
Moreover, operation overall was carefully monitored and controlled to ensure fairness and prevent
corruption. In details, Mono Group provide transparent employee recruitment process and the budget
disbursement must be made systematically, with verifiable evidence.
Respect for Human Right
Mono Group stresses importance of human right of stakeholders by focusing on copyright of content
that were presented via all platforms. The Company puts effort to avoid copyright infringement that may affect
relevant parties and takes into account equality and fairness of all stakeholders.
Labor Practice
Aside from focusing on equal and fair treatment to all employees according to the regulations
established by Ministry of Labour, the Company treats employees like family members in order to create
happiness at work through providing pleasant atmosphere and facilities as well as offering welfare, i.e., health
insurance, life insurance with accident protection and provident funds. Mono Group also promote the education
for enhancing knowledge and potentiality of employees. Many seminars in Thailand and abroad were arranged.
In addition, the Company also offers job advancement and opportunity for employees to grow together with
Mono Group.
Consumer Protection
Mono Group continues to create and develop products and services in order to enhance customers’
satisfaction and worthwhile spending, along with taking into account any impacts from business operation
that may affect society and environment. So far all business groups’ operation has been continued effectively
based on consumer protection, with key points summarized as follows:
1. Business development: The Company offers various types of contents and services that are beneficial
to all customer segments. Unbiased and reliable news, facts and reviews have been presented to all customers
via all platforms. Also, content was divided into various sections based on customer segment such as teen,
women, men etc. in order to better meet the customers’ needs; and based on their lifestyles, such as doonung,
music, travel, sport, etc.
2. Collaboration with government agencies: The Company promotes compliance with rules and laws,
such as joining hands with Technology Crime Suppression Division to launch the project of “Lessons by Police
Owl” in order to promote the proper use of the Internet as well as preventing the cyber crime; and the project
of “Cyber Patrol” for being a channel to receive clues and information about misuse of internet, available
24 hours daily.