Page 28 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2013
P. 28

• In ul ono eneration o td ac uired the pu lication and distri ution right o ush

magazine as well as receiving a sublicense of Inside United Thai Edition and Liverpool FC Thai Edition
magazines from Plus One Media Co., Ltd. which helps diversify our contents.
• n eptem er two su sidiaries including ono o td and ono roadcast o td were

established. Mono Technology PCL. holds 100 percent of those two subsidiaries via Mono Production
Co. Ltd., one of our subsidiaries, in order to operate TV broadcasting business.
• n cto er ono echnolog ong ong imited ono ong ong was esta lished in ong ong

in order to further operate business in China. Mono Group views that resilient economy of China and
related factors, such as population, trade liberalization and market size should help support the investment
and bright future should lie ahead for our expansion on mobile value added service (MVAS), Internet,

music and movie businesses.
• In Decem er the ompan licensed cop righted orean series rom outh orea

for the websites and which should be regarded as the first collaboration
to distribute the entertainment content via the Internet.
• In Decem er our two su sidiaries participated in digital idding ono eneration o td

applied for the digital television service license for the news and information category and Mono
Broadcast Co., Ltd. applied for the national digital television service license for the variety category in

standard definition (SD). Mono Broadcast Co., Ltd. was the bid winner for the variety category in standard
definition (SD).

1 Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) and Video Player – Ad Interface Definition (VPAID) are the format for video advertising program. Both Interactive
Advertising Bureau (IAB)’s VAST and VPAID help spice up advertising by enabling users to change pictures, color and theme in order to be more attractive.

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