Page 27 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2013
P. 27
Key developments of Company and subsidiaries 2013
• In anuar www mthai com announced its readiness to o er video pre-roll ad service in terms o
Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) and Video-Player-Ad-Interface (VPAID) which is interactive
advertising. Mthai is a pioneer launching this kind of ad service which can spice up the advertising
content and offer interaction with audience, thus allowing them to have new experience in ad watching.
• n arch ono roduction o td received the non- re uenc usiness license or aa
Network from National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC).
• During arch - pril ono usic released a e ou Dance the irst single o vo Nine and
liche o and a ia which were targeted at international mar et especiall mar et an ros
the top production house in South Korea, was selected to be music videos production team. Those two
songs were written in English. Meanwhile, subtitle in seven languages, i.e., Thai, English, Indonesian,
Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean are also available in music videos.
• In a the ompan entered into the egional ar eting artnership o ile greement with
Liverpool Football Club. This three-year agreement that grants mobile right to Mono solely shall
commence on May 2013 and continue in force until May 2016. Currently, Liverpool is one of the most
amous oot all clu in the orld In addition the ompan arranged in a rip to n ield - a special
marketing program that offered the highest price of a trip to England (seven days and five nights), with
a right to watch the Premier League game between Liverpool and Fulham.
• n a ono echnolog ietnam ompan imited ono ietnam was esta lished in
Vietnam in order to operate mobile value added service (MVAS).
• n une the irst trading da ono echnolog listed on ar et or lternative Investment
mai with the securit s m ol N
• In une ampus tar maga ine a ree cop maga ine was launched in order to present contents
relating to life of university students. Readers will receive updated movements and various opinions of
other university students.