Page 143 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2013
P. 143
(Unit: Thousand Baht)
Separate financial statements
Furniture, Computer Assets
Leasehold fixtures and Motor under Total
improvement and office equipment vehicles installation
1 January 2012 10,424 12,570 73,994 5,835 4,665 107,488
Additions 4,497 6,137 5,628 839 17,138 34,239
Disposals/write off (923) (2,077) (3,187) (683) - (6,870)
Transfer in (out) 15,356 4,889 - - (20,245) -
31 December 2012 29,354 21,519 76,435 5,991 1,558 134,857
Additions 740 2,483 6,211 - 5,474 14,908
Disposals/write off - (799) (678) - - (1,477)
Transfer in (out) 4,866 9 - - (4,875) -
31 December 2013 34,960 23,212 81,968 5,991 2,157 148,288
Accumulated depreciation:
1 January 2012 1,751 3,695 38,544 727 - 44,717
Depreciation for the year 2,243 3,665 10,912 900 - 17,720
Depreciation on disposals (554) (873) (960) (519) - (2,906)
31 December 2012 3,440 6,487 48,496 1,108 - 59,531
Depreciation for the year 3,434 4,201 11,013 918 - 19,566
Depreciation on disposals - (334) (446) - - (780)
31 December 2013 6,874 10,354 59,063 2,026 - 78,317
Net book value:
31 December 2012 25,914 15,032 27,939 4,883 1,558 75,326
31 December 2013 28,086 12,858 22,905 3,965 2,157 69,971
Depreciation for the year
2012 (Baht 11,137 thousand included in cost of services, and the balance in administrative expenses) 17,720
2013 (Baht 10,186 thousand included in cost of services, and the balance in administrative expenses) 19,566
As at 31 December 2013, certain equipment items of the Company and its subsidiaries had been fully
depreciated but were still in use. The gross carrying amount before deducting accumulated
depreciation of those assets amounted to approximately Baht 49 million (2012: Baht 30 million) and
of the Company only amounting to Baht 19 million (2012: Baht 13 million).