Page 75 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 75

Besides, the right of employees shall be protected in the case that they communicate about their concerns, complaints or problem issues or blow the whistle about the suspected wrongdoing at work on the fair and straightforward basis. The report can be made either in verbal or in writing with petitioner’s signature to respective supervisors or through the Human Resources Department. The fact-finding investigation will be carried out by the Board of Directors and Human Resources department to find a solution for the issue or penalize the wrongdoers, absolutely without disclosure of petitioners or relevant persons. The Company shall protect those who report the issues or the whistle blowers from any adverse action that will affect their work status.
Accountability to Consumers
As the company runs its TV business which is the media lots of people can access, it selects and provides many television feature stories and qualified entertainment for the audience’s happiness with a base on consumer responsibilities. It broadcasts impartial and creditable news articles, copy-righted films and series, and many social creativity programs such as “Five Minute Big Hero” showing those who bring about
social utilities. This channel can gather lots of people to acknowledge and praise those merit people. In addition, any comments and feedbacks are mostly welcome through the company’s website and social media in order to improve its services.
Moreover, the company has its own agency taking only in change of customers and consumers for its mobile internet business - such as Call Center, which is able to give any information and assistance to its customers via mobile phones, and many channels where their webmasters can be connected.
In 2015 the Company’s total budget allocated on personnel development amounted to 19.97 million Baht and 80 percent out of all employees participated in the personnel development programs provided by the Company.
Annual Report 2015

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