Page 101 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 101

• an opinion on the transactions that may lead to conflicts of interest;
• the number of the Audit Committee’s meetings and the attendance at such meetings by each committee member;
• anopinionoroverviewofcommentsreceived by the Audit Committee from its performance of duties in accordance with the charter; and
• otherreportswhichshouldbedisclosedtothe shareholders and general investors within the scope of duties and responsibilities designated
by the Board of Directors.
7. To review Internal Audit unit’s operations in the following aspects :
• Consider the scope of operations, annual audit plan and budget, and performance of personnel to ensure that they are suitable and aligned with the scope of operations and adequate for supporting the performance of duties of the Audit Committee;
• Consider the appointment, rotation or termination of employment of head of Internal Audit unit;
• Consider the performance report; and
• Consider the independence of Internal Audit unit.
8. To consider and review the auditing rules and procedures and ensure they always fit with business circumstances.
9. ToreportthesummaryoftheAuditCommittee’s missions to the Board of Directors.
10. To report the Board of Directors when the Audit Committee finds or suspects any of the following transactions or acts, which could materially affect the Company’s financial position and operating results, in order to take a corrective action within the period of time that the Audit Committee deems fit:
• a transaction which causes conflicts of interest;
• a fraud, unusual practice or material defect in relation to the internal control system; and
• a violation of the law on securities and exchange, the SET’s regulations or the laws
In the event that the Board of Directors or executives fails to have the corrective action taken within the time period specified in the first paragraph, any member of the Audit Committee may report the occurrence of any such transaction or act specified in the first paragraph to SEC or SET.
11. To perform duties as mentioned in No. (1) - (10) in the part that is related to business operation of subsidiaries as the Audit Committee has been assigned to do so or upon request from the subsidiaries. Also, such performance must be within scope of their authority and duties.
12.To perform any other act as assigned by the Board of Directors, provided that such matter must be approved by the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee has authority to take following actions: inviting directors, employees or staff to attend the meeting to clarify and answer any question relating to the Committee’s duties and responsibilities; discussing with the Company’s expert or consultant (if any) or hiring a third-party consultant or specialist if necessary at the Company’s expenses; requesting the Company’s employees to submit necessary ocuments about the Company’s operations for auditing or investigation for work accomplishment; assigning any employee or staff to take particular action to support auditing activities; and taking action specified above in relations to subsidiaries as assigned or requested by subsidiaries and within scope of their authority and duties.
As the Internal Audit Unit has not been established, S.C. Accounting & Business Consultant (1995) Co., Ltd., a third party company with no relationship with the Company and subsidiaries, was employed to be the internal auditor responsible for auditing internal control system of the Company and subsidiaries in order to ensure adequacy and appropriateness of our internal control system.
relating to the Company’s business.
Annual Report 2015

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