Page 103 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 103

6. At the meeting of the Executive Committee for considering any operations as per authority, duties and responsibilities specified in this orders, at least half of all members of Executive Committee must attend the meeting to constitute a quorum, allowing the Executive Committee to continue such operations.
7. For voting at the meeting of the Executive Committee, each director shall have 1 (one) vote. In case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall cast 1 (one) vote to make the final decision.
8. For a resolution on each agenda at the Meeting of the Executive Director, votes for approval must reach at least half of entire votes at that meeting.
9. The meeting of the Executive Committee must be arranged as necessary and appropriate. Each director can convene the special meeting aside from the normal meeting. Nevertheless, the notification of meeting agenda(s) shall be presented to other directors prior to the meeting as appropriate, allowing other directors to have sufficient time to consider the said agenda(s).
3. Nomination and Remuneration Committee
10. The Executive Committee can appoint any working team and/or persons to consider and screen works before presenting to the Committee; or to perform other actions beneficial to the performance of duties of the Committee; or to perform other actions on their behalf as per their assignment and within their scope of authority, duties and responsibilities.
11. The Executive Committee shall have authority of sub-delegation. Moreover, the Executive Committee shall be able to designate any person to perform a particular works on their behalf. Such sub-delegation of authority and/ or assignment must be under the scope of delegation of authority as per the given power of attorney and/or comply with regulations, requirements or orders specified by the Board of Directors. However, the delegation of authority and responsibilities of the Executive Committee shall not be made in the manner that the Executive Committee or other persons delegated by the Executive Committee enable to approve transaction, which they or others may have stake in, or receive benefits, or have conflicts of interest (as defined by the notifications of SEC or CMSB) with the Company or subsidiaries.
As of December 31, 2015, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee comprised three members and details of their meeting attendances were as follows:
2. Mr. Kriengsak Thiennukul 2/2 3. Mr. Soraj Asavaprapha 2/2
Miss Pitirudee Sirisamphan is the Secretary to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
Number of Attendances/ Number of Meetings (Time)
1. Mr. Preecha Leelasithorn
Chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Annual Report 2015

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