Page 169 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 169

12. Intangible assets

(Unit: Million Baht)
Consolidated financial statements

Website music Other Program Work
copyright and video copyright computer in Total

copyright process

1 January 2013 71 44 - 12 4 131
Additions - 10 16 - 224 250

Disposals/write off - (1) - - (2) (3)
Transfer in (out) - 85 6 - (91) -

31 December 2013 71 138 22 12 135 378
Additions - 246 13 6 787 1,052

Disposals/write off - (1) - (6) (1) (8)
Transfer in (out) 12 334 76 30 (452) -

31 December 2014 83 717 111 42 469 1,422
Accumulated amortisation :

1 January 2013 20 5 - 7 - 32
Amortisation for the year - 20 1 1 - 22

31 December 2013 20 25 1 8 - 54
Amortisation for the year 4 126 11 4 - 145

31 December 2014 24 151 12 12 - 199
Allowance for impairment loss:

1 January 2013 1 1 - - 2 4
Decrease during the year - (1) - - (2) (3)

31 December 2013 1 - - - - 1
31 December 2014 1 - - - - 1
Net book value:

31 December 2013 50 113 21 4 135 323

31 December 2014 58 566 99 30 469 1,222
Amortisation for the year
2013 (Baht 20 million included in cost of services, and the balance in administrative expenses) 22

2014 (Baht 141 million included in cost of services, and the balance in administrative expenses) 145

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