Page 168 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 168

(Unit: Million Baht)
Separate financial statements

Lease- fixtures Computer Assets
hold and and Motor under

improve- office equip- vehicles install- Total
ment equip- ment ation


1 January 2013 29 22 76 6 2 135
Additions 1 2 6 - 5 14

Disposals/write off - (1) - - - (1)
Transfer in (out) 5 - - - (5) -

31 December 2013 35 23 82 6 2 148
Additions - 2 11 1 11 25
Transfer in (out) 1 1 11 - (13) -

31 December 2014 36 26 104 7 - 173

Accumulated depreciation:
1 January 2013 3 6 48 1 - 58
Depreciation for the year 4 4 11 1 - 20

31 December 2013 7 10 59 2 - 78
Depreciation for the year 4 5 12 1 - 22

31 December 2014 11 15 71 3 - 100
Net book value:

31 December 2013 28 13 23 4 2 70
31 December 2014 25 11 33 4 - 73

Depreciation for the year
2013 (Baht 10 million included in cost of services, and the balance in administrative expenses) 20

2014 (Baht 11 million included in cost of services, and the balance in administrative expenses) 22

As at 31 December 2014, certain items of equipment of the Company and its subsidiaries had been fully

depreciated but were still in use. The gross carrying amount before deducting accumulated depreciation
of those assets amounted to approximately Baht 73 million (2013: Baht 49 million) and of the Company only
amounting to Baht 39 million (2013: Baht 19 million).

As at 31 December 2014, the Company and its subsidiaries had vehicles and equipment with net book
values Baht 26 million (2013: Baht 44 million) and of the Company only amounting to Baht 4 million

(2013: Baht 12 million) acquired under finance lease agreements.

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