Page 98 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 98

In 2015, the Board of Directors assessment score averagely equals to 95.8%.
2. Individual Director Self-Assessment is defined with the topics in coherence with each director’s roles and responsibilities, Corporate Governance Policy, Code of Conduct for Directors as follows:
- Qualifications, Knowledge, and Competency
- Strategic Formulation, Governance, and Performance Tracking
- Individual Performance as Director
- Self-Improvement
In 2015, the individual Director self-assessment score averagely equals to 96.3%.
3. PerformanceAssessmentofOtherCommittees is conducted yearly in order to improve their roles and responsibilities supporting the Board of Directors’ performance. In 2015, each committee assessment score is detailed as follows:
- Audit Committee assessment score averagely equals to 98.6%.
- Nomination and Remuneration Committee assessment score averagely equals to 82.0%.
4. ChiefExecutiveOfficerPerformanceAssessment The Chief Executive Officer’s responsibility is to set goals and manage every task to achieve them. Therefore, the Chief Executive Officer Performance Assessment as well as Self-Assessment shall be processed at the end of each year. The Company Secretary shall summarize and presents the assessment result to the meeting of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The assessment result will be a reference in defining the performance improvement plan and the remuneration for the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO assessment topics are defined in accordance with the requirements of SET as follows:
- Leadership
- Strategic Formulation
- Planning and Financial Performance
- Relationships with the Board of Directors
- External Relationships
- Working Management and Relationships with Personnel
- Succession Plan
- Knowledge on Products and Services - Personal Qualifications
- Self-Development
Remuneration for Directors and Executives
1. Remuneration for the directors is fixed based on the level of remuneration of companies in the same industry as well as experiences, scope of work and responsibilities of each committee. The remuneration shall be considered appropriately at the fixed rate.
2. Remuneration including remuneration in terms of salary, bonus and other incentives for the Chief Executive Director and executive directors shall be in line with the criteria approved by the shareholders’ meeting.
3. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall determine the remuneration and evaluate the performance of the directors, the executive directors and the Chief Executive Director before proposing to the Board of Directors and the shareholders’ meeting for consideration.
4. TheChiefExecutiveOfficershallconsideredand reviewed the remuneration for the executives and employees at least once a year based on the Company’s performance as well as performance, years of employment and capability of employees. The result of consideration shall be submitted to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for consideration.
Mono Technology Public Company Limited

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