Page 94 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 94

4. DisclosureandTransparency
The Company places emphasis on accuracy, sufficiency, timeliness and impartiality in disclosing information to SET, the Company’s shareholders and related agencies.
1. The Company must disclose important information, both financial and non-financial including annual registration statements (Form 56-1), annual report, and quarterly financial report. In disclosing financial information, especially the financial statements, the Company must ensure that they are correct, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and have been audited/reviewed by an independent external auditor. The financial statements must also be approved by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors before they are disclosed to SEC, SET, the shareholders, investors and relate agencies.
2. Necessary shall be disclosed on the Company’s website, in both Thai and English.
3. Information on the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and committees, the number of meetings and attendance of each director, and the director’s and executives’ remuneration policies are disclosed under the Management and Corporate Governance section of the Company’s annual registration statements (Form 56-1) and annual report.
4. The Report of the Board of Directors’ Responsibilities for Financial Statement must be presented together with the auditor report in the Company’s annual report.
5. The Company shall disclose the summary of approved corporate governance policy and the result of performance in compliance with this policy in the Company’s annual registration statements (Form 56-1) and annual report.
The Chief Executive Officer is assigned to be
responsible for communicating with institutional investors, shareholders, analysts and relevant government agencies. The Company’s news, information, financial reports are also provided via communication channels as follows;
- In 2015, the Company’s executives welcomed Shareholder’s Right Protection Volunteer Club and Thai Investor Associations and gave them some business information and directions before taking visitors to MONO 29 channels.
- Websites of the Stock Exchange of Thailand ( and the Company (
- Investors Relations Unit, Tel. : 02-502-0787, 02-502-0797
- Email :
- Analyst Meeting which shall be held on a regular basis
- Financial newsletter for press or press conference
5. ResponsibilitiesoftheBoardofDirectors
5.1 Structure of the Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors is divided into two groups.
Group 1: Characterized by their executive management roles
• Directors with executive management roles • Directorswithoutexecutivemanagementroles Group 2: Characterized by independency
• Independent Director
• Non-independent Director
As of December 31, 2015 the Board of Directors was comprised of nine members: three members were executive directors (Executive Director is defined as the top-four executives next to Chief Executive Officer) and six members were non-executive Directors. Among those six members of the non-executive directors, three members were the independent directors and the members of Audit Committee. Meanwhile, three members of executive directors were comprised of the Chief
Mono Technology Public Company Limited

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