Page 93 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
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ontheconservationofenergyandefficientresourceexploitation, which is deemed an organizational culture. Besides, the Company gives assistance through donations to various foundations and organizations, which carry out social activities such as the donation of tools, equipment and office supplies to temples, foundations and other social organizations both in government and private sectors.
Compliance with the Policy
The directors, executives, and all employees must acknowledge, understand and strictly comply with Corporate Governance Policy, Business Code of Conduct, and Code of Conduct for directors, executives and employees. As a compulsory compliance, there shall be no such claim that these stipulated policies have been unknown. TheCompany’sexecutivesshallensurethattheirsubordinates acknowledge, understand, and seriously comply with these policies. The Company has also stipulated the monitoring measureanddisciplinarypunishmentincaseofinfringementor noncompliance with the Company’s policies.
Complaint Consideration and Acceptance
To ensure good corporate governance in our business operation, the Company has established communication channels for its corporate governance (CG Hotline) through which complaints, comments, suggestions and whistle blowing about suspected wrongdoing at work can be made. The employees and other stakeholders can communicate their concerns about illegal or unethical practices by persons within the Company via five communication channels of “CG hotline”:
1. Telephone
2. Fax
3. The Company’s website or email to
4. WrittensubmissiontotheCompanySecretaryby mail or in person.
5. Email to the Company’s three independent directors who are the members of the Audit committee
To gain confidence of those expressing their concerns via CG Hotline or whistle blowers, the Company shall keep the source of such information confidential. The Company has written procedures for acknowledging and investigating such concerns which shall involve only authorized persons and the relevant persons. The whistle blowers who are the Company’s employees shall be guaranteed that their protection shall be taken and no action shall affect their work status.
In order to prevent and minimize unnecessary investigations that is not beneficial to the Company’s operations and management and leads to the waste of the Company’s resources, the Company Secretary together with the Audit Committee shall only investigate complaints that are considered beneficial to the Company’s operations and management or related to the protection of the rights of shareholders and stakeholders before reporting to the Board of Directors as follows:
(a) Complaints or information that are useful for investigation of possible fraud or illegal practices of the Company or its directors or executives or employees that may cause damage or loss to the Company
(b) Complaintsaboutlaws,rulesandregulationswith which the Company must comply
(c) Complaints about the Company’s operating and accountingpolicieswhichhavealreadybeensetout
(d) Complaints about transactions that constitute conflicts of interest or related party transactions as specified in the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board (CMSB) or SET
(e) Complaints about the Company’s financial statements and financial information
(f) ComplaintsabouttheCompany’soperationsand financial status
(g) Complaintsaboutinfringementonhumanrights, intellectual properties or copy rights as well as incidents or matters involving corrupt conduct
(h) Complaints about other additional items as specified by the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee.
Annual Report 2015

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