Page 84 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 84

4. To continuously monitor the Company’s performance to ensure the compliance with the Company’s strategy, work plan and budget.
5. To lead and control the Company and subsidiaries to employ appropriate and efficient accounting system as well as providing internal control and internal audit systems.
6. To designate the relevant units to arrange the statement of financial position and the statement of comprehensive income as of the end of fiscal year and sign off to certify such financial documents
before presenting to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for asking approval.
7. To give opinion toward nomination, appointment, and termination of services of the auditor as well as considering appropriate remuneration presented by the Audit Committee before proposing the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to consider approving.
8. To arrange the written policy of corporate governance as per Principle of Good Governance as well as effec- tively implementing this policy in order to ensure the Company’s responsibilities toward all stakeholders, with fair treatment.
9. To consider approving the appointment of persons having required qualifications, without prohibited characteristics according to Public Limited Companies Act,B.E.2535(aswellastheamendment),Securitiesand Exchange Act, B.E. 2535 (as well as the amendment),
and relevant notifications, requirements and/or regulations to assume the position of directors in cases of vacancy for directors due to other reasons other than retirement by rotation. The Board of Directors shall consider and give approval on appointment of new directors to replace directors retiring due by rotation as well as specifying the remuneration for directors as presented by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee before proposing the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to consider approving.
10. ToappointcommitteessuchastheAuditCommittee, the Executive Committee, the Good Corporate Governance Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Risk Management Committee, or other committees as well as defining authority and duties of those committees in order to support the performance of the Board of Directors.
11. Tospecifyandchangenamesofauthorizeddirectors.
12. Toconsidertheappointmentofexecutivesaccordingto the specification and definition by SEC or CMSB and the Company Secretary as well as specifying remuneration of those executives as presented by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
13. Toaskforexternalprofessionalassociations’opinion to support their precise decision making.
14. To encourage the Company’s directors and executives to participate in seminars organized by Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), particularly seminars which are relevant to the directors and executives’ duties and responsibilities.
However, the delegation of authority and responsibilities shall not be made in the manner that the Board of Directors or other persons delegated or sub-delegated by the Board of Directors enable to approve transaction, which they or others may have stake in, or receive benefit, or have conflicts of interest (as defined by the notifications of SEC or CMSB) with the Company or subsidiaries, except for approval of transaction according to the established policy and criteria approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders or the Board of Directors.
Remarks: *S.C. Accounting & Business Consultant (1995) Co., Ltd.
Mono Technology Public Company Limited
is employed to be the Company and subsidiaries’ internal auditor.

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