Page 51 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 51

Online Hotel Booking Service provides travel services including hotel reservation, tourist activities and online flight booking for Thai tourists and foreigners who want to explore Thailand, countries in ASEAN or other countries around the world. Our website that also introduces a number of tourist attractions such as places for lovers, families or group tour. Thus, the customers can enjoy impressive moments throughout the trip. The service is available via www.hotelthailand. com and
Production and Information Service Business Overseas Indonesia
There were many changes in telecommunication industry in Indonesia. First, mobile operators abolished all of their mobile value added business partners. This was due to complaints from customers who were exploited by service providers. As a result, mobile operators are intensively strict with conditions to start business connection, as well as increase more procedures for the approval of new services to gain customers’ trust. Moreover, Indonesia has improved the regulations on foreigners’ investment which affects telecommunication business of mobile value added service providers. These factors force foreign investors who are content providers and multi-media providers to revise about their investment. They are also permitted to invest no more than 49 percent in their oversea businesses.
During the time of changes, the Company was able to run our business smoothly as we closely discussed the problems with mobile operators and gave services via business partners who are local content providers. Nevertheless, the popularity of information, news and
entertainment content services via SMS declined due to many factors including the market situation of mobile value added services, fast growing business of games and applications and profound changes of customer behavior which quickly shifted to smartphones as the device became cheaper from China smartphones marketing. In addition, business condition of local content providers did not support or benefit business operation and marketing. The Company had evaluated the situation and the returnof the investment and finally decided to downsize the business as well as partially halted the operations in Indonesia.
Mono Technology Korea Corporation focuses on the sourcing of quality Korea contents such as movies and drama series for all of Mono’s businesses in Thailand, China, Vietnam and Myanmar. At the same time, through partnership with leading telecom operator such as KT, Mono Korea provides Thai contents to Olleh TV’s 6 million subscribers. Moreover, with the Internet penetration of 84.5% and increasing popularity of video streaming services such as YouTube and Afreeca TV, Mono Korea is entering the Multi Channel Network (MCN) business by utilizing its Korea-Thai connections to recruit both Thai and Korean creators who has the potential of becoming an Asian star in this online era.
Mono Vietnam still offers mobile value added service but localized to meet the need of the market. Branded content are introduced more widely to the market, especially customers of Viettel, Mobifone and Vinaphone, the three biggest mobile operators
Annual Report 2015

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