Page 41 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 41

Overview of Industry and Competition of Media and Content Business
Market Share: Mobile Operators in 2015
TRUE 22.1%
CAT 1.8%
TOT 0.9%
AIS 45.6% DTAC 29.6%
Source: The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)’s Website
Mobile Internet Business
As of the end of 2015, there were 83.1 million mobile phone numbers in Thailand, with penetration rate of 123.5 percent. Referring to the statistics of the year 2014, the current penetration rate has decreased from 144.9 percent, dropping by 21.4 percent. According to the Government regulation about SIM card registration, mobile phones which were not registered deserved disconnection from mobile network. Nevertheless, this factor hardly affected the whole market of mobile network business.
Mobile network service market is comprised of voice and non-voice services. The market value of mobile network service in 2014 and the prediction for 2015 were 209,660 million Baht and 237,658 million Baht respectively. In 2015, non-voice service reached 46.9 percent of the total market value. This number was increased by 8 percent comparing to the year 2014 where market value of non’-voice was 38.9 percent. Although the market overview showed
Market Value of Mobile Network Service Comparing Q4/2014 and Q4/2015
% 50.0
37.5 25.0 12.5
Voice Service
Non Voice Service
Q4/2014 Q4/2015
15.2 14.9
Source: The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)’s Website
that the revenue of mobile operators mainly came from voice service, the market growth was mainly boosted by non-voice service. This was because mobile operators developed higher-speed and easier message sending systems to respond to customer demand and market competitiveness. The popularity of smart devices or modern communication devices plays a significant role as well.
The Company is regarded as one of the major content providers offering various types of entertainment content with high-availability network interconnection between the Company and each of the major mobile operators which are AIS, DTAC and True Move. These operators jointly hold the market share of 97.3 percent out of the entire mobile phone customers in Thailand. The Company has provided non-voice service in various forms including SMS, IVR and Mobile Sites. Product development of digital content services and mubile applications are regularly executed to respond
to changes of customers’ needs.
Annual Report 2015

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