Page 122 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 122

Value (Million Baht) As of December 31, 2015
Necessity and Appropriateness/ Opinion of Audit Committee
Sales and service income
• Mono Gen earned revenues from sales of old books in form of paper scraps for recycling at higher price, compared with the rate that Mono Gen sold to other trade partners and the market rate.
Such transaction is normal business transaction which is regarded as reasonable at a fair price.
Cost and Expense
• Mono Ent paid for Shaker Screen advertising service.
Such transaction is a normal business transaction in order to publicize our artists to teenagers and people in Siam Square. The advertising fee is similar to the rate that MS charges other customers. Therefore, this transaction is regarded as reasonable at a fair price.
Cost and Expense
• Mono Broadcast paid ACeS for back-up power service for the Company’s studios which are used for program productions.
Such service is normal business transaction and the service fee is based on the market rate. Therefore, this transaction is regarded as reasonable at a fair price.
Connected Company
8. GreenStar Environment
Company Limited
9. MediaShaker Company
10.ACeS Regional Services Com- pany Limited
2. Transactions supporting normal business:
Connected Company
1.TOYOTA P.S. Enterprise Company Limited
2.Premium Asset Company Limited
Value (Million Baht) As of December 31, 2015
Necessity and Appropriateness/ Opinion of Audit Committee
• The Company brought pickup tracks from TOYOTA PS.
The said transaction is a normal expense and the price is at the market rate. Therefore, such transaction is regarded as reasonable at a fair price.
Space Rental
• The Company, Mono Info and Mono Broadcast paid PA for office rental.
Such service is a normal transaction of Mono Group. PA is the owner of Jasmine International Tower and the fee is comparable to the rate collected from other tenants. Therefore, such transaction is regarded as reasonable at a fair price.
Mono Technology Public Company Limited

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