Page 112 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 112

3. It shall be prohibited to receive any property or extra-benefit to receive any property or extra-benefit from external parties in exchange for conducting unethically, doing or refraining from doing one’s duties, or unethically making decision that may influence on the Company’s benefits. However, there is an exception for seasonable gifts that are presented in traditional occasion and their value must be reasonable. The abuse of authority/power/position to gain personal benefits shall be also strictly refrained.
4. It shall be prohibited to conduct or support the offering of property or extra benefit to external parties in exchange for doing or refraining from doing any acts in an unethical manner for inappropriate business settlements.
5. Communication channel shall be provided for receiving complaints and whistle blowing about suspected wrongdoing. In doing so, the Whistle Blowing Policy shall be enacted to protect the petitioners and whistle blowers whose information shall be confidential. Furthermore, the monitoring measure and penalty code shall be also stipulated in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations.
6. As being a part of prevention and promotion on anti-corruption practices, the Company shall give support to any kind of activities organized by the anti-corruption bodies and organizations.
Ms. Pitirudee Sirisamphan, Company Secretary, attended Anti - Corruption: The Practice Guide (ACPG) to apply for a member of Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption. In this year, the Company launched a policy on the accepting of gifts which requires the Management and employees not to accept any personal gains, either in the form of cash or gifts, from the Company’s trade partners except in festival seasons and traditional occasions. Nevertheless, the gifts shall have a monetary value of 3,000 Baht or less. In addition, the Company informed all partners of the business code of conducts as well as gift acceptance policy.
Remuneration of Auditor
In 2015, the Company and subsidiaries incurred audit fee for auditor from EY Office Limited and other audit firms overseas with details as follows:
210,000 5,185,000
Fee as of 2015 (Baht)
Audit fee
Non-audit fee
Mono Technology Public Company Limited

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