Page 109 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 109

2. The Board of Directors continues to monitor the operation of subsidiaries or associated companies and sets guidelines to control the operation of such companies for a person who was appointed as the director or executive.
3. The Board of Directors continues to control the business operation of subsidiaries or associated companies to meet the approved business policy, goals, operation plan, strategy and budget.
4. The Board of Directors considers designing the organization structure and management of subsidiaries or associated companies to add their business operation efficiency and suit current business circumstances.
5. TheBoardofDirectorsshallconsiderapproving the budget and spending for investment, operations, transactions of acquisition or disposition of assets, borrowing from financial institutions, lending, capital increase and decrease or business closure that may significantly affect subsidiaries or associated companies’ operations.
6. TheAuditCommitteeshallreviewaccuracyand reliability of financial reports, internal control system, internal auditing works, related party transactions, compliance with related law and regulations as well as monitoring and controlling of subsidiaries and associated companies’ operations.
7. The Risk Management Committee shall consider screening the policy and risk management guidelines of subsidiaries and associated companies.
8. The Board of Directors focuses on improving management as well as providing good corporate governance and efficient risk management system of subsidiaries and associated companies.
9. The subsidiaries and associated companies must report their performance to the Board of Directors of the Company. Also, the Board of Directors must consider such performance regularly in order to support their planning and goals of business operation in the future.
Control of the Use of Inside Information
The Company has a policy and practices to control the exploitation of inside information by the directors and executives for their personal benefits, (including securities trading: ) and securities trading as follows:
1. TheCompanyformulatesthewrittenguidelines for keeping information and preventing inside information exploitation in order to promote fairness to shareholders, customers, business partners and all stakeholders according to laws and principles of good corporate governance.
2. The directors, executives and employees are forbidden from exploitation of inside information that has a significant impact on the Company’s securities trading and the change in share price that has not yet been declared to the public for their personal or other’s interest.
3. The directors, executives as well as those in the executive positions of accounting or finance unit from the level of manager and above and employees in the unit where inside information is available must refrain from the Company’s stock trading for one month prior to the date of announcement of operation results and financial statement or important information that have impact on the change in the Company’s stock price until such information is declared to the public.
4. The directors, executives as well as those in the executive positions of accounting or finance unit from the level of manager and above shall report ownership of all securities issued by the Company, pertaining to themselves, spouses and/or minor children to the Company Secretary within 30 days after formally assuming the position. Besides, the directors and high-ranking executives shall report to the Board of Directors or the delegated person all of their securities trading at least 1 day in advance in order to notify SEC within three business day after transaction date as specified by the Securities and Exchange Act.
Annual Report 2015

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