Page 145 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited : Annual Report 2014 EN
P. 145

Mono Technology Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries

Statement of comprehensive income

For the year ended 31 December 2014

(Unit: Baht)
Consolidated financial Separate financial
statements statements
Note 2014 2013 2014 2013

Profit or loss:
Sales and service income 1,526,312,845 1,407,385,912 1,278,394,590 1,284,847,697
Dividend income from subsidiaries 10 - - 331,187,580 348,786,920
Other income 77,113,889 90,578,512 139,007,472 123,565,315
Total revenues 1,603,426,734 1,497,964,424 1,748,589,642 1,757,199,932
Cost of sales and services 1,025,408,782 581,810,151 869,281,386 895,049,444
Selling and servicing expenses 181,552,514 101,044,956 50,091,432 70,492,475
Administrative expenses 406,612,571 272,348,945 220,920,769 181,895,234
Total expenses 1,613,573,867 955,204,052 1,140,293,587 1,147,437,153
Profit (loss) before finance cost and
income tax (10,147,133) 542,760,372 608,296,055 609,762,779
Finance cost (15,421,811) (2,565,404) (149,962) (1,603,906)
Profit (loss) before income tax (25,568,944) 540,194,968 608,146,093 608,158,873
Income tax 22 64,456,262 (39,078,251) (56,309,748) (50,943,265)
Profit for the year 38,887,318 501,116,717 551,836,345 557,215,608

Other comprehensive income:
Exchange differences on translation of
financial statements in foreign currency (1,568,596) 424,500 - -
Actuarial gains 6,909,438 - 5,188,715 -
Income tax effect (1,332,222) - (1,037,743) -
Other comprehensive income for the year 4,008,620 424,500 4,150,972 -

Total comprehensive income for the year 42,895,938 501,541,217 555,987,317 557,215,608

Earnings per share 24
Basic earnings per share
Profit attributable to equity holders of
the Company 0.01 0.18 0.18 0.20
Diluted earnings per share
Profit attributable to equity holders of
the Company 0.01 0.18 0.17 0.20

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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