Page 6 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 6

Mr. Sang Do Lee Chief Executive Officer
“We are able to be
1of the top 5
free TV
most popular digital TV channel in Thailand”
To Shareholders and Investors,
The year 2015 has revealed a strong commitment of Mono Technology Public Company Limited to achieve the goal of being one of the leading companies in media and entertainment content provider business. Despite a one year new player in TV business, we are able to be one of the top five most popular digital TV channel in Thailand as targeted. MONO29 appeals the audience with well-selected contents and a clear position of being the “Free TV with the most number of Great Movies and Popular TV Series”. The mentioned achievement could be considered as a good background for a fast business growth as well as supporting the recognizable of the Company in a wider range. In early stage of the business, we have to invest a large amount of money on content suppliers, content production and marketing expenditures although the economic growth is a lot lower than expected. People put a lot of concern on their spending which resulted in a lower income than we first targeted. Nevertheless, improvement can be seen
in each quarter so we could expect to see profit in 2016.

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