Page 31 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 31

OCTOBER 10, 2015
In July 2015, Mono Film Company Limited bought foreign film copyrights from Sahamongkol Film International Company Limited, a large film production in Thailand. The movies will be broadcasted on MONO29 channel to delight international films fans. Viewers can also watch the movies via video on demand system on website
In October 2015,TheStockExchangeofThailand(SET) revealed the result of the Corporate Governance Report EvaluationofThaiListedCompaniesin2015. Mono Technology PCL. was rated in Excellent Level or Five Stars Level.
On October 10, 2015, Mono Vampire Basketball Team won the championship of Thailand Basketball League 2015 which was held for the fourth year. Receiving the winning prize of one million Baht, they would be the representative of Thailand to compete in ASEAN Basketball League 2015.
From October to November 2015, Mono Publishing opened two new publishers which are Geek Book Publishing and Move Publishing. The first presents stories of lifestyles and distinct issues such as films, music and photographs telling stories of different journeys. Some examples of the books are “HUMANS OF NEW YORK”, “EVERYBODY IS SOMEBODY” and “THE WALKING BACKPACK”. The second offers books about principles and philosophy of management from famous people and role models. Some of the books are “Xiaomi, Strategy to Successful Brands” and “STEVEN GERRARD MY STORY”.
On December 2, 2015,TherevisionondigitalTVchannel numbering arrangements was put into practice according to the new regulations of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission which was announced in the Royal Thai Government Gazette on October 2, 2015. According to the regulations, the first thirty-six channel numbers were reserved for satellite and cable TV providers as public channels (digital TV channel) so that it would be easy for viewers to remember when they watch digital TV programs on different platforms. As a result, MONO29 station is on channel number 29 in all networks.
Annual Report 2015

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