Page 117 - Annual Report 2015 - Mono Technology Public Company Limited
P. 117

Related Party Transactions
Summary of related party transactions between Mono Group and persons that may have conflicts of interest throughout 2015 :
Related party transactions between Mono Group, and individual and juristic persons can be summarized as follows:
Connected Company
1. Jasmine International Group (“JAS”)
• Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited (“TTTBB”)
• Triple T Internet Company Limited (“TTTI”)
• JasTel Network
Company Limited (“JASTEL”)
• Acumen Company Limited (“ACU”)
• Premium Asset Company Limited (“PA”)
• Mr. Pete Bodharamik is the major shareholder of both the Company (72.24 percent) and JAS (25.85 percent).
• TTTBB operates high-speed ADSL network in order to provide broadband internet service.
• Mr. Pete Bodharamik is the director of both TTTBB and the Company and he is also the authorized director of both TTTBB and the Company.
• ACU is the major shareholder of TTTBB (99.20 percent) and the subsidiary of JAS, holding share of 100.00 percent.
• TTTI offers internet service solution.
• Mr. Pete Bodharamik is the director of both TTTI and the Company and he is also the authorized director of both TTTI and the Company.
• TTTBB is the major shareholder of TTTI (99.99 percent). ACU is the major shareholder of TTTBB (99.20 percent) and is the subsidiary of JAS, holding share of 100.00 percent.
• JASTEL offers circuit leasing service and local and international data communication services.
• Mr. Pete Bodharamik is the director of both JASTEL and the Company and he is also the authorized director of both JASTEL and the Company.
• Jasmine Submarine Telecommunications (JSTC) is the major shareholder of JASTEL (100.00 percent). JSTC is the subsidiary of JAS, holding share of 100.00 percent.
• ACU offers wireless communication service.
• Mr. Pete Bodharamik is the director of both ACU and the Company and he is also the authorized director of both ACU and the Company.
• JAS is the major shareholder of ACU (100.00 percent).
• PA operates office rental business and offers related service. Office space under its management is Jasmine International Tower.
• Mr. Pete Bodharamik is the director of both PA and the Company and he is also the authorized director of both PA and the Company.
• ACU and JSTC is the first and second largest shareholder of PA, with shareholding of 53.85 and 46.15 percent respectively. ACU and JSTC are the subsidiaries of JAS, holding share of 100.00 percent.
Annual Report 2015

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